Walled Lake Schools Federal Credit Union Earns Bauer Financial’s Highest Rating!
We are proud to announce we have received another 5-Star rating from Bauer Financial, their highest rating! Bauer Financial is an independent financial rating agency that has been evaluating financial institutions since 1983. We have a great staff and a great group of members that made this possible.
We want to assure you that Walled Lake Schools Federal Credit Union is financially safe and sound. The credit union’s liquidity position is strong and managed well. Our Net Worth Ratio is well within the NCUA’s guidelines and we are considered well capitalized. All our member deposits are insured by the NCUA up to $250,000. Walled Lake Schools Federal Credit Union’s balance sheet, member base, and investment portfolio is well diversified. As always, we are honored to serve our members and appreciate your trust in us. We take that trust very seriously and operate within conservative risk policies to ensure we are strong and can continue to serve our members through various economic cycles.
Our staff works very hard to bring you financial products that matter. Plus, we are an exclusive credit union. You have to be a WLCSD student, employee, or family member of a student/employee to join. We also allow city employees of Walled Lake, Wixom, Wolverine Lake and Commerce Twp., as well as their families. That’s it! We’re exclusive to this community. We still have hometown values, and we use our resources to benefit the Lakes Area Community. That’s why we succeed. If you know someone looking to open an account they can start an application online, or visit us at the office. We would be happy to have them join!